Thursday, December 04, 2003

Experiment over...

Okay, enough of the linked blogs, 10 sequences was enough, right? It was getting too much. I had to tailor my thoughts to the previous day, which was interesting, but frustrating when I wanted to write about something else... Oh well. I don't know how successful it was. I don't think I can make my students do it; they'll end up frustrated and hate me.

Anyway, the semester is coming to a close and I join my kids in the countdown. I wish there was a way to grade finals so I could celebrate with my students. Hah! I need a bi-ru... uh, wait. I been having them regardless... Hmmm... maybe a guiltless bi-ru? Yeah. I have to go to Kai's work. i said I'd go one of these days for brews. If I was in Chicago, I'd go to Orange and spy Paiky to see how he operates. Yeah, Chicago. Maybe I'll stop by the Banana Republic on... what street was that? Oh yeah... I'll go there and see how artists earn a living when they're not arting. But then, its getting cold, so Illinois doesn't sound too appealing. How about FL? Where two brothers seem to have a grand ol' time, even though one HATES college football. But nah, too young. They probably have no money. Better Atlanta, to go shopping at a Japanese Bookstore. No wait, he doesn't have money either! Damn. is there anyone I can bum off of... er, I mean, bug... no, wait, visit? Yeah, is there no one I can visit? Maybe Japan? Yeah, I can bum off all the Jetters I wrote leters of recs for. But wait, it'll cost me more just to get there than taking care of myself at home. Crap. Will someone invite me? Oh, Ekka said I could crash, but she's got a boy friend now so don't want to ruffle anyones feathers needlessly. Total drag!

I need to get away from DC. Away from work. Away from the negative vibes. I can always go to LA. The old man's living by himself and I can take care of him as while I bum around... Nah. Don't want to encroach on the sibling's "property". Geez.

Ah well. This was another useless entry. I have finals coming up and that means grading. I will be grading, but will try to keep posting, and hoping to read all youse guys' posts as well.

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