Weekend Report Good mooohning! [-Like Mr. Wicky-] Not much doing this weekend... except for the sports bar Friday night, it has been pretty quiet... Except for last night's dream... I wonder if it's because our plumbing had been giving us problems recently or if I had serious potty training problems as a child... but I better not go into too much detail, otherwise more than a few may stop coming by to visit...
Putting Things In Order One of the interesting things I've noticed on Xanga--before it went down--is that there are a number of people who make lists. I have taken up this practice, too, because I've come to think that it helps arrange your thoughts and priorities--even if its just food or movies. I stole this Alphabetical list from dAnxdAn, with a few minor alterations. Hope you don't mind Dan...
AGE: 47
BESTFRIEND: Musubi-chan and my TV
CHURCH: My own heart
DREAM DATE: Musubi-chan (What else am I gonna write?)
EXCITEMENT: Going to a restaurant with a great rep for the first time; beginning of college football season
FOOD: Favorite: Bacon swiss-cheese burger with avocado and sauteed mushrooms, and a side order of onion rings and/or chili fries; Dislikes: Sea urchin, sea cucumber, soggy udon.GREATEST ACCOMPLISHMENT: Getting a Ph.D.
HAPPIEST DAY IN LIFE: The day my daughter was born
JAPANESE FAVORITE: An autumn night in Shinjuku about 9PM right after a rain, when all the neon lights look brighter and reflect colorfully off the pavement, total urban cool.
KOOL AID: Peace Corp, Red Cross
LOVE: Musubi-chan (What else am I gonna write? UCLA Football?) MONEY: Never enough...
NICK NAME: Onigiriman (duh!), sensei...
OUTFIT U WORE TO SCHOOL: White shirt and navy bow tie, with salt-and-pepper corduroy pants
PRESENT I WANT: 32" HDTV in time for football season to watch UCLA (are any of my kids rich and famous yet?)
QUESTION ASKEd TO U THE MOST: How old are you?
RADIO STATION: Used to be KRTH 101-LA, oldies music, as I am a child of the 60s--which, by the way, RULES... Nothing today would exist without the 60s...
SPORT: Passive: college football; Active: running (approx. 15 miles a week, except last week) and weight training, but I'm a light wieight...

With IS, my first Westside girlfriend, on the SW corner of 1st and San Pedro in LA. Check out the pants! ca. 1973 |
UR #1 FAVORITE SONG: All Along the Watchtower... Now playing... There is no song that even comes close to this classic... Written by Bob Dylan, and performed by Jimi Hendricks, an unbeatable duo...
VALUABLES: Musubi-chan (What else am... ah, forget it)
WHERE YOU LIVE: DC suburbs in VA.
XTRA INFO: Have a scar on my cornea, and therefore am sensitive to light, have no depth perception and had to give up major sports like baseball, basketball, ping pong--not that I woulda been drafted or anything...
YEAR BORN: 1955, 30th year of Showa
ZODIAC SIGN: Astrology: Sagitarius; Chinese calendar: Ram, which is this year...
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