Someone just told me that Jimi Hendricks is annoying... Annoying! Or distracting... "It takes away from the writing," he said... Hmm... Well, I hate to tell you, but this is me. I am the product of this kind of music... If it sounds too 60s, or reeks of just another moldy oldie, then you always have the option of turning down the volume... But just in case you are interested, it's music like this and lyrics like this that get me pumped... If you're bored and have nothing to do, reload this page and listen to the song as you read the lyrics in the marquee--I have some commentary on the song as well... but only if you're bored, and only if you wanna know what I'm talking about...
Annoying? Distracting?
That's one opinion, I guess... and I do accept all opinions... So, what's yours? Have you ever heard of this song? Maybe I'm a moldy oldie. Ha! But an opinionated one! Dude!
Side Note:
I just realized that some don't know who Musubi-chan is... She's Mrs. Onigiriman, and she likes to beer, too... A match made in heaven...
: Update : Monday Afternoon
(or: Why aren't you working?)Side Note II:
Yes tigger, we had computers when I was your age, the only difference is that they were better 'cuz they were BIGGER! Y'know, they, like, filled up a whole room... We had at school for grad students an IBM dedicated word processor! Yeah, couldn't do anything except process text. Oh, and we weren't distracted by things like e-mail, 'cuz the internet was still a governemtn/private project... *sigh* But still, being old has its advantages. I was around when Nixon resigned, when.... wait... this sounds like a good topic. I 'll save it for tomorrow... thanks for the idea, tigger--as unintended as it may be... Now why don't some of my own kids stimulate me like this...
Side Note III:
Just for sleetse--he told me it's prounounced "sleazy", I'll let you decide: Here's another pic of Musubi-chan with the globally famous comic Katsura Sanshi when he visited DC 2 years ago. On the left is Unagi--her son, my stepson.
And if you haven't already... Do me a favor and chime in on the matter below... Your opinion counts!
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