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t is a New Year and time to count my lucky stars. I've been lucky enough to be noticed on the pages of RBJ, again...Thanks to Grace for giving me a heads up.. Carlos at the Rice Bowl Journal dos a great job of keeping people interested in his and one of the ways he does this is by visiting places and putting up quotes that he feels could be of interest to other RBJers. He began this with a section call Consider Yourself Quoted, for which I've been quoted *ahem* three times.

Recently, he seems to want to get more people involved so he started another section called You've Been Noticed. The quotes are shorter in length and stay up for shorter periods of times, but he is able to give more people attention this way. I'm lucky enough to be "noticed" for the first time, recently.
I attribute this, of course, to the successful end of the Bruin football season. Now I can put away my angst for another year--actually, it's more like seven months until fall practice begins--and focus on what I do best: Make fun of myself.
I'm not sure, but there is something beneficial to being self-deprecating. It usually comes off better than being boastful, as so many people are when they think they are being anonymous. But being self-deprecating also projects a good image, one of a blogger who can laugh at himself and make fun of himself, which conversely indicates a sense of self-confidence. I mean, who would ridicule himself if he didn't have any confidence, didn't feel comfortable in his own skin? Of course, being anonymous makes this easier, too.
Be that as it may, I have recently had a spate of new subscribers, and I welcome them with open arms to the O-man's world.
But enter at your own risk.
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