Thursday, June 30, 2005

End of First Session


ell, that time of the year is here again. The first session is over and my students will take there final later today. You know what that means: Grading! But I have a small class so I will not be gone long.

Procrastinator with a capital "P"

I am--once again--in crunch-time mode regarding a paper I need to submit to an editor. Why, oh why, do I do this to myself? I wrote a comment on someone else's site once about procrastination and I think it applies to me perfectly: I am not focused on my future goals. If I sat down and thought about them as I should--and took them seriously--I would do what I need to do now, NOW. I think I lack discipline. I used to have tons of it--how else can you get a Ph.D.? Have I perhaps used up my lifetime quota? Ugh...

Anyway, with that in mind, I will focus on work for the next few days. If I end up getting buried with work, an unable to be on Xanga--as unlikely as THAT sounds--I'd like to tell everyone: Crank up your BBQs and have a great 4th of July Weekend!

And maybe I'll work on the senryu before whonose kills me.


ニューヨーク在住日本版パンダ said...

Grading paper is Like ちゃちゃんのちゃんですぐ終わる~あまり心配しないでがんばりんしゃい。笑

Strader said...

wow. its great to hear that a prof. that once had to get on me for always turning stuff in is himself a procrastinator. i dont know if it makes you feel better to know that i sympathize with you, but it makes me feel a whole lot better!