Thursday, October 21, 2004

Bosox beat Yankees!


he game was too much to ignore. I couldn't watch it at home in a vacuum. M enjoys sports and will watch any game with me. But I needed to see this game with others who understood its historic significance. So we went to our local watering hole to watch the game. The place was packed and it was fun to scream and root with other sports fans. When Ortiz hit the two run homer in the first, everyone was cheering, but when Johnny Damon hit that grand slam in the second inning, the place erupted. By the eight inning, we all revelled in a few choruses of:

Who's your daddy *CLAP-CLAP clap-clap-clap*
Who's your daddy *CLAP-CLAP clap-clap-clap*

For those of you who are unfamiliar, Yanker fans--those hornery, no class buffoons--have been screaming this chant at the Redsox and specficially Pedro Martinez all season long. Yanker fans felt it appropriate when Pedro lost to them in New York. Adding fuel to the flame, Curt Schilling said he wanted to shut the fans up in New York, and when he couldn't do it in the first game of the series, the Yanker fans began the same chant. But Boston got the last laugh. And it was a privilege to join in. God, who wouldn't love to dog pile the Yankers?

Anyway, this victory was HUGE. In a best of seven series, no team in baseball has ever lost the first three games and come back to win. (I think it happened once in basketball? I remember hearing something like that but I'm unsure. Anybody know?) I mean, seriously, if a team is dominant enough to win three in a row, then it is unlikely for them to lose four in a row to the same team. So this feat, in and of itself, is amazing. But on top of that, it's a Redsox-Yanker game. These two are bitter rivals and while I'm not a Bosox fan per se, I am a Dodger fan. And as the adage goes, an enemy of my enemy is my friend.

In any case, the Yankers, having lost four in a row after winning the first three in a best of seven series, are now official members of the Hall of Shame as the biggest chokers of all time. At this moment in the Onigiriman time-space contiuum, all is right with the world. Peace reigns and love abounds. It is as if history has come full circle, and everything is perfect. Go Bosox. This is your year. If you guys don't reverse the curse of the Bambino this year, you never will...

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