Happy St. Patty's Day
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he best thing about St. Patricks Day is NOT the beer. The first time I took M to a bar on March 17, she just had to try the green beer. Of course, there is nothing special about it. It doesn't really taste green like a freshly mowed lawn or, I suppose, the 18th green at St. Andrew's golf course. I explained to her that it's just regular beer--probably the cheapest one on tap--with a little food coloring. Still, it was novel enough for her to have a taste.
The best thing about this day is the food. Being the carnivore that I am, I love to dig into that corned beef. Man, is it good. And I am a pretty big cabbage fan, so corned beef and cabbage sounds just about perfect to me. That and a pint of green beer. M-m-M-M-Mmm....

Oh yeah, a little FYI: cabbage is good for the digestion. Indeed, in Japan, it's the best thing to eat when you have a hangover. They even have an over-the-counter medicine called Kyabejin, which works pretty well when you have an upset stomach with that hangover. Come to think of it, when I eat cabbage while I drink, I don't have such a bad hangover the next day. Of course, I don't mean to suggest that you can drink an entire keg as long as you eat cabbage... of course.
Everything in moderation.
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