Thursday, May 26, 2005

Will it never end?


f it's not one thing it's another. I finally finished grading and did what you might expect: I plunged back into Xanga. Actually, that was what my previous tirade was based on. Hungry to visit as many sites as possible--new ones, as well as my regulars--popup ads kept me from moving freely from one site to the next. Anyway, hope I didn't put anyone off because of it. It was just so frustrating. Of course, this would be easily fixed if I had a new computer, like GlobalGuy. Grrr...

Anyway, summer school has begun and it is an enjoyable endeavor. This particular group seems very motivated and well-trained. We've only had three classes, but they have been the easiest three classes I have had this academic year. Thank God for small favors... Well, maybe this isn't so small. I hope the class continues on its upbeat course.

Well, amidst the euphoria of having finished grading finals, surviving the academic year, and welcoming a group of summer students who are not smart-mouthed and disrupt class at every opportunity, I remembered something I had to do...

Finish writing a paper

This is a paper on linked verse that will, I hope, make it as a chapter in a book on the poet, Basho. I have most of the paper written, but the editor wanted me to include more information on--duh!--Basho. I was so fixed on writing on linked verse--a favorite topic of mine--that I wrote little on Basho. So I need to incorporate more about him and his haikai (light linked verse) by...

The end of the month

Remembering this a few moments ago, I leaned back to look at the calendar on the wall and realized that the end of the month is...

Next week!

No, more precisely, it's five days away. Why do I do this to myself?


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