Thursday, January 06, 2005

We Are


fter learning of the death of a close friend, followed by my bout with bronchitis, I had taken off the song that I had been playing, "We Are" by Do As Infinity. I know there are those who don't like music because it slows down the browser, and truth be told, I am one of you. My pet peeve is that table of smiley faces. I can't comment until all the images have loaded, so I sometimes forgo any comment.

Anyway, I said previously that I would translate the lyrics and here it is. It's the words to the original--the lyrics shaded in gray are in the original but not in this concert version. Like poems, lyrics are often hard to translate as it can be difficult to parse phrases. But then, that is the beauty of lyrics and poetry.

私たちは この幾千の星に生まれたの

We were born among these thousands of stars
It's a miracle we met.

ずっと昔に 見た夢の続き
幼い頃は 全て信じていた
もう一度 会いたい
もう二度と 君には会えない

Continuing a dream I saw long ago
When I was young, I believed everything.
One more time, I want to see you
But I know I can't see you again

流れ星に 願いかけてた
約束をしてた 凍える夜
私たちは この幾千の星に生まれたの

Wishing on a shooting star
The promise we had made on a freezing night
We were born among these thousands of stars.
The miracle of having met you
Is something that belongs to only us.

眠りから覚めて それが幻でも
心にはきっと 生き続けてるよ
どうしても 伝えたい
もう一度 君には伝えたい

Waking up from sleep, it will surely live on
In out hearts, even if but a phantom
No matter what, I want to tell you
But I know I can't tell you again

めぐりめぐる 歴史の中で
一番 宝物

Which streets does the wishing star watch over nowadays?
Even tonight, softly
in our history that comes around again and again
the encounter we gave each other
is our most precious treasure


In a corner of this world
that continues to revolve
there is a person who waits for you even now.

思い出して 心みつめて
忘れかけていた 夢を描いて
この世界に 君と出会えた
君が来てくれた 聖なる夜
流れ星に 願いかけてた
約束をしてた あの日のまま
私たちは この幾千の星に生まれたの

Remember, look into your heart
Paint the dreams you were about to forget
In this world, on that holy night
When I met you, when you came to me
Just as we did that day when we made a promise
Wishing on a shooting star,
We were born among these thousands of stars.
The miracle of having met you
Is something that belongs to only us..

We need the holy light,
waiting for the silent nights.

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