Monday, September 13, 2004

Senryu Topic for September:

It's amazing how three lines of verse can express so many different emotions. I had never really appreciated poetry in the past, but I'm beginning to see what all the fuss is about. I think it's because I had never attempted to write poetry myself. I have your site to thank for creating the opportunity.--SammyStorm

Whee~! Thank you for providing such a great outlet to test our creativity. I agree with SammyStorm, I wasn't the biggest poetry buff, but with each month, I come to appreciate the power of the written word more and more. --SunJun

These contests are fun, even if I don't win anything! Can't wait for the next one. ^^ --SleepingCutie


'm glad some of you enjoy the senryu. It makes it all worthwhile. Really. And I hope everyone had a chance to read last month's senryu I posted yesterday. The entry is a bit long, mostly because of my comments. But you can skip my comments and just read the poems. They are much better and worth reading.

Anyway, I was trying to figure out what would be a good topic、And I was reading some of my fathers verses from 2001. There were a number that had the word bokujo 牧場 which means "cattle ranch", and I presume that was the topic. As you can see, when he sees cattle, he can only thing of food.

A plate of beef
formerly the free grazers
of a ranch.

With life so fragile,
how can cattle still grow fat
on a ranch

Hahahahhaa... now I know where I get it from.

Anyway, taking these verses as my inspiration, this month's topic is beef. I know there are many who are vegetarians or who don't eat read meat. Well, your verse can reflect your life-style choice. But like the above poems, I think it might be fun to try to come up with a light or amuzing verse, something that might be reflect our everyday issues with beef...

As before, please make one submission only--are you reading this Vixen?--and submit it to this post--there is a link on the main page in the left column. Subscribers only, please.

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