Friday: I slept like I haven't in years. I went to sleep early Friday morning around 1 AM--early for me since we had a few beers--and woke up around 10 AM. I left the house at 11:30 to go to our J-program cherry blossom viewing picnic. Most of the blossoms had scattered, but it was nice nonetheless as we ate lunch--M made some mini-onigiri for me to take for my students--and played games, concluding with the annual Janken (rock, paper, scissor) tournament. M. Kajiura, last years champion, successfully defended his title. I returned directly home after the picinic and before doing some work, I decided to catch up on some of the TV shows I had taped: CSI, Law and Order, Enterprise. While they were mostly reruns, I watched them, falling in and out of sleep from 3 pm to 9 pm. Actually, it was more like "in sleep" as I hardly remember any of the programs. I figure I slept for about 5 hours. So that's 14 hours... After a late dinner I did some grading and Xangaing and went to sleep at 5 AM.
- Saturday: I woke up at 12:30 after about seven hours, which means I slept for about 21 hours over two days. This has to be some kind a record for me. Thanks to all this slumber, I had a nice little headache. Can someone tell me why we get headaches when we sleep too much?
Anyway, M and I went to Washington Harbor to see one of my students who is a member of the women's crew team compete. They won in the petite (read: consolation) tournament Unfortunately, I was late, as usual, and didn't get to see her race. But I did see her after the race, as well as another student who, as a volunteer for the Cherry Blossom Festival, helped with the awards...
- Sunday: We decided to indulge in a rib roast for Easter, and went to Safeways to buy some stuff we needed to make dinner: horse radish, dill, caraway seeds, apple juice, etc. Safeway is located in the same shopping center as Glory Days, our favorite watering hole, and so we decided to have ONE drink to get the juices going before we started cooking... Bad decision, because one drink became two, then we met some people we knew and it became three and then... well, you get the picture. Needless to say, we will be eating the rib roast today, Monday... Ugh...
I again ask: Can someone explain to me why one gets a headache after sleeping too much? This never happened to me when I was younger, but at my advanced age, I don't feel too good after too much sleep...
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