a storm came through the DC area and it was kinda scary. As usual I went to pick up Musubi-chan from school around 9pm. As we headed home it started pouring like crazy. Y'know, a down pour so heavy it seems like someone is simply pouring a buck of water over your windshield. The wipers swish left and right as quick as they can but they seem virtually useless. To make matters worse, I was on a stretch of road that is a bit hilly, and has no street lamps, so it's hard to tell if your going straight. I try to focus on the red tail-lights of the car in front of me, praying that that car knew where it was going. Whew! We finally reach a more lighted area where I can at least make out some landmarks to get my bearing: A traffic signal, stright path to the next signal, Ruby Tuesday on the left, IHOP on the right. Red light, stop. Man, my heart is racing. I continues to pour. Green light, cross intersection slowly. I've been driving much slower all throughout of course, and the other cars around me are not taking chances either, thank God. Next signal, cross I-66, right turn at next signal. Almost home, but the road veer to the left as it swings around Oakton HS. Narrow road, and I can tell there's a CUE bus heading in the opposite direction... toward me. I presume he sees me, but I veer as much as I dare to the right of the road. Bus passes me on the left, and I see that the lights of the high school parking lot are still on, so a stop sign should be right in front of me. I turn right, go a couple of blocks--I can see a little better, has the rain slacked off? I turn left and drive into my parking slot. Where the heck is the rain? It's barely sprinkling. Hmm... Why is it always like this?
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