Sunday, December 07, 2003

The Value of E-props...

The other day, BarbEric_Bojo was talking about e-props and how great it would be if we could use them as currency. That's an interesting thought, especially since I had never even thought that much about e-props. Like Eric--or should I say Bojo--suggests: Can't do anything with them, so they are ultimately valueless. Most people give me two e-props and I give everyone else two, as well. I think that's because, conversely, we actually don't place a lot of value in them and simply submit our comments with the default number of e-props: two.

This, of course, made me think of those who give only one e-prop. To give only one, the commenter is taking the time to select the number of props, which means the person is actually giving thought to the number of props, which in turn suggests they are giving them value. Which is okay if you're into that kind of thing. Someone once said he did it just to stand out. And that's as good a reason as any, I suppose, if you're the kind that looks to see who gave you how many props... But I do admit that I look to see the number of comments I get. It tells me that the reader was motivated, tickled or pissed off enough to say something about what I wrote...

Ah, but who cares? E-props to everyone!

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