Monday, November 17, 2003

Busy, busy, busy *update* sorta

Work is catching up with me again. I've got so much freaking work that I think I'm gonna puke. Thank gawd there's only one more week of college football... Well, football for me that is. If you go to a school like Florida State or Oklahoma or Miami or Virginia Tech, football season won't end until January... Lucky you. I get to wonder what the heck is happening to my beloved Bruins year in a year out...

I will write more later today, as the mood strikes me... As for now, its time to go to sleep (4:26 AM).

Okay, so the mood hasn't struck me... I think I'll go to sleep soon. I'm just exhausted.... *stupid Bruins* grrrrr.... But I have been thinking about the issue of privacy, especially when it regards places such as Xanga and other Internet-based communications... I will probably talk about it tomorrow or maybe later tonight if I'm still awake... but for now, time for din-din and then some work for tomorrow...

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